WWE 2K14 is the latest installment in franchise's line of exciting wrestling simulations and the first to be licensed by 2K publishing. This year's game brings a new striking system, A new reversal system, "Catapult" Finishers, New games modes, old game modes, and a brand new 30 Years of WrestleMania Mode. This Year's Roster includes some old favorites from last game which include; John Cena, Randy Orton, Brock Lesnar, Rey Mysterio and plenty other while some new Additions include Ric Flair, Goldberg, The Shield, Razor Ramone, and The Immortal Hulk Hogan! The roster is a stunning 103 Wrestlers, Divas and DLC (not including managers).
-Huge roster
-Authentic Entrances
-30 Years of Wrestlemania
-Catapult Finishers
-100 create-a-character slots
-"Double" Finishers
-Endless Customization
-New running system works really well
-Tons of unlockables, attires, titles, ETC.
-More "comeback" moves, wake-up taunts, and "OMG`` moments.
-Title matches feel important
-Striking system is broken (some moves can't be reversed)
-Finishers have a very odd timing
-DLC sometimes resets your data
-Grappling system is awkward, clunky.
-Matches sometimes feel clunky, especially with more than 2 wrestlers in the ring.
-Game is plagued with bugs and glitches.
Overall rating: 7.5/10
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Quick-Write: 64,800 Educational Minutes
If I had to make a Pie Chart showing what I spend my time doing in class, 70% of my time is divided between meditation and day-dreaming. I put these two together because I feel that they are basically interchangeable because I do both in-class and I usually do them around the same time, which is usually when i`m being ordered to do my work by my educational master. I dunno, I feel that Day-dreaming and Meditation should be included as apart of every school-child`s day. It would help the mentally handicapped kids relax and it would help the slackers get their shut-eye. It would also benefit the kids like me who care more about fantasy than reality. The other 30% of my time would be divided between working and talking with acquaintances or random people around me.
Quick-Write: MINIONS!
If I had a group of Minions, (around 200) I would make them build a gladiatorial arena in my backyard. I would the make them fashion weapons and armor for them to use and I would create a Barracks where I could train them to fight against eachother. They could carry Pole-arms, Blades, Blunt instruments, And other various tools. I would then host the first annual "Week Of the slaughter" Where every-day for a week, I would have `Minion Gladiatorial Combat`and people could come pay to watch. We would number the Minions from 1-200 and we would have a raffle. We would draw about 20-30 names a day and the Minions that survive the combat arena get to go home. That sounds like a good idea, and I could make a little money off the Minions too!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Key Wrestling Terminology:
Here are some basic terms that any person who watches wrestling should know, or eventually will know.
Face: A Face (Commonly referred to as a baby-face) is a character who is a Hero in story-line, usually opposes a Heel character.
Heel: A Heel is a Villain in story-line who antagonizes a Face character and even other Heels.
Angle: A fictional story-line, Usually beings with one wrestler attacking another wrestler or a Conflict over a Championship.
Card: A list of matches or events that go on during the show. The last match of the night is called the "Main Event"
Finish: The planned end of the match.
Gimmick: The personality or character of a Wrestler. For example, Cm Punk's Character (picture below) has a "Drug Free" Gimmick.
Abort: To abandon a story-line before the "blow-off" (End of an angle) due to lack of interest from the fans.
Draw; 1: When there is no clear winner in a match 2: a match or a Wrestler that the fans will pay to see.
Finishing Move: A Wrestler's Signature move that usually leads to a pinfall or submission.
No-Sell: When a Wrestler shows no reaction to another wrestler's offence.
Number One Contender: The wrestler who is next in line for a championship match.
Kayfabe: Is the portrayal of staged events as if they were true.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Match 1: Bray Wyatt (With Luke Harper and Eric Rowan) vs Kane (Ring of Fire Match)
The buildup and promo's to this match were spectacular! Portraying Bray Wyatt as a crude, Filthy, Ugly creature, distracting Kane and taking him out when necessary. Kane was portrayed as almost helpless, until the last night on raw when he challenged Bray Wyatt to a "Ring of Fire Match." The only problem is that they didn't explain the rules of the "Ring of Fire Match" that night on Raw so the audience was kinda confused as to what was happening xP.
The match was... okay, nothing special, (Bray Wyatt getting the snot kicked out of him almost the entire match) but the story being told was very good. The ring was surrounded by fire so that Eric Rowan and Luke Harper couldn't interfere in the match (Why didn't they do this with the shield when they fought Kane?) And many times during the match, they tried to figure out ways to put out the fire surrounding the ring so they could get to Kane and help their master. They used Fire extinguishers, Water, and eventually they threw a fire-proof blanket over the flames. They entered the ring and attacked Kane, but Kane kinda crushed them.. Kane went for the double chokeslam on the two of them and failed when Bray Wyatt returned to his feet and stopped him. Bray Wyatt hit Kane with the Inverted STO and Bray and his crew left with Kane's shattered body. Very good story, I hope they continue this feud. 7/10
Match 2: Cody Rhodes v.s Damien Sandow
This Match wasn't very... memorable. If anything, it was fairly generic. They told a very basic story; Cody Rhodes got screwed for the Money In The Bank Contract (A Contract that allows the user to have a title match anytime they want.) by his "best-friend" Damien Sandow. This was the end of the feud match and... it was just okay. Cody beat-up Sandow and pinned him. It wasn't a bad match, they hit all their high points, they did their finishers, the only crime that was committed was that Sandow lost. If Sandow would have won the match, there would have been a reason to continue the story-line so that they could possibly have a more complex match. Overall, still entertaining, but little substance. 5/10
Match 3: Christian v.s Alberto Del Rio (c) for the World Heavyweight Title
THIS MATCH WAS ONLY 12 MINUTES LONG. This match was only a minute longer than Cody vs Damien. That is an insult to anyone who's ever held the World Heavyweight Title! The story was that Christian won the triple threat match for the #1 Contenders spot for the World Heavyweight Title against Randy Orton And Rob Van Dam. The match was okay (besides the fact that Alberto and Christian really don't have anything to do with eachother.) It wasn't basic or slow like the Cody v.s Sandow match. Alberto put Christian in the Arm Bar and tapped him out faster the you can say "predictable." 5/10
Match 4: Natalya vs Brie Bella
This match was okay, I don't have much to say about it because it's a divas match and they weren't hired for their "wrestling ability." Natalya is probably my favorite diva working in the company right now and she deserves every moment in the spotlight. She locked in the Sharpshooter and won the match. Excellent tribute to one of the greatest hit-men of all time! We still love you Bret Hart. 6/10
Match 5: Brock Lesnar vs CM Punk (No-DQ Match)
This match was one of the best Summerslam matches in memory! The match was fast-paced, brutal, intense, technical, and a very good story on-top of all of that. Every move was successfully pulled off and every wrestler in this match was pushed in the right direction.
The story of this match is that at "Money In The Bank" CM Punk was climbing the ladder, and to the shock of everyone... Paul Heyman (Cm Punk's Manager) Came out (after Cm Punk told him to stay in the locker room) and attacked Punk with a ladder while Cm Punk was climbing the Ladder to win the Money In The Bank Ladder Match. The next night on Raw, Punk came out and asked for an explanation for why Heyman Betrayed him. Heyman then proceeded to rant about Punk's Family, Social life, and how he really isn't the "Best In The World" without Paul Heyman's help. Paul Heyman then called out the other man that he's managing for (Brock Lesnar) to attack him. And so, every week, Brock Lesnar would get ambushed by Cm Punk or Brock Lesnar would attack Punk whenever he would finish a match or enter the ring.
This match was not only good for the story however, this match was also good because you have two of the best talent in the company, feuding against each-other. The Highlights of this match include Cm Punk hitting the Go-To-Sleep on Lesnar twice, and still not staying down for the three count, Lesnar attacking Cm Punk with a chair (the chair shots sounded like a shot-gun was going off) and Cm Punk getting dropped on the chair and pinned after an F-5 from Brock Lesnar. Very good story, can't wait to see it continue 9/10
Dolph Ziggler and Katlyin vs AJ Lee and Big E Langston (Mixed Gender Tag-Team Match)
This match was okay, the story doesn't interest me: we've already established the fact that AJ Lee is a cancer to anyone she attaches herself to. It's a really boring story.. Dolph Ziggler is cheer-able, but he needs to drop the "i'm better than you" gimmick because it's getting old. But I won't complain too much. Big E is still looking like he's being doing steroids since he was 8 years old! man, that guy is jacked up. 6/10
Main Event: Daniel Bryan v.s John Cena (c) for the WWE Title (Special guest referee is Triple H)
This was a good match, it went on a little too long especially for a John Cena match. The finish came when Daniel Bryan hit John Cena with his "running knee attack" (are they really going to call it that! that's a horrible name for a finishing move) and made the pin. after the match, Randy Orton came out and teased cashing in his money in the bank contract, when all of the sudden... Triple H hits Daniel Bryan with a pedigree and Randy ran in and made the pin! Oh, what an upset for Daniel, he was only champion for a few seconds and there goes management taking it away form him.. better luck next time! 7/10
Overall, the show was really good, predictable.. but maybe that's because i'm getting to be older and a little more mature. 8/10
Match of the Night: Cm Punk v.s Brock Lesnar
Worst match: Alberto Del Rio v.s Christian
Highlight of the night: Daniel Bryan's running knee attack (Seriously, change the name!)
Match 2: Cody Rhodes v.s Damien Sandow
This Match wasn't very... memorable. If anything, it was fairly generic. They told a very basic story; Cody Rhodes got screwed for the Money In The Bank Contract (A Contract that allows the user to have a title match anytime they want.) by his "best-friend" Damien Sandow. This was the end of the feud match and... it was just okay. Cody beat-up Sandow and pinned him. It wasn't a bad match, they hit all their high points, they did their finishers, the only crime that was committed was that Sandow lost. If Sandow would have won the match, there would have been a reason to continue the story-line so that they could possibly have a more complex match. Overall, still entertaining, but little substance. 5/10
Match 3: Christian v.s Alberto Del Rio (c) for the World Heavyweight Title
THIS MATCH WAS ONLY 12 MINUTES LONG. This match was only a minute longer than Cody vs Damien. That is an insult to anyone who's ever held the World Heavyweight Title! The story was that Christian won the triple threat match for the #1 Contenders spot for the World Heavyweight Title against Randy Orton And Rob Van Dam. The match was okay (besides the fact that Alberto and Christian really don't have anything to do with eachother.) It wasn't basic or slow like the Cody v.s Sandow match. Alberto put Christian in the Arm Bar and tapped him out faster the you can say "predictable." 5/10
Match 4: Natalya vs Brie Bella
This match was okay, I don't have much to say about it because it's a divas match and they weren't hired for their "wrestling ability." Natalya is probably my favorite diva working in the company right now and she deserves every moment in the spotlight. She locked in the Sharpshooter and won the match. Excellent tribute to one of the greatest hit-men of all time! We still love you Bret Hart. 6/10
Match 5: Brock Lesnar vs CM Punk (No-DQ Match)
This match was one of the best Summerslam matches in memory! The match was fast-paced, brutal, intense, technical, and a very good story on-top of all of that. Every move was successfully pulled off and every wrestler in this match was pushed in the right direction.
The story of this match is that at "Money In The Bank" CM Punk was climbing the ladder, and to the shock of everyone... Paul Heyman (Cm Punk's Manager) Came out (after Cm Punk told him to stay in the locker room) and attacked Punk with a ladder while Cm Punk was climbing the Ladder to win the Money In The Bank Ladder Match. The next night on Raw, Punk came out and asked for an explanation for why Heyman Betrayed him. Heyman then proceeded to rant about Punk's Family, Social life, and how he really isn't the "Best In The World" without Paul Heyman's help. Paul Heyman then called out the other man that he's managing for (Brock Lesnar) to attack him. And so, every week, Brock Lesnar would get ambushed by Cm Punk or Brock Lesnar would attack Punk whenever he would finish a match or enter the ring.
This match was not only good for the story however, this match was also good because you have two of the best talent in the company, feuding against each-other. The Highlights of this match include Cm Punk hitting the Go-To-Sleep on Lesnar twice, and still not staying down for the three count, Lesnar attacking Cm Punk with a chair (the chair shots sounded like a shot-gun was going off) and Cm Punk getting dropped on the chair and pinned after an F-5 from Brock Lesnar. Very good story, can't wait to see it continue 9/10
Dolph Ziggler and Katlyin vs AJ Lee and Big E Langston (Mixed Gender Tag-Team Match)
This match was okay, the story doesn't interest me: we've already established the fact that AJ Lee is a cancer to anyone she attaches herself to. It's a really boring story.. Dolph Ziggler is cheer-able, but he needs to drop the "i'm better than you" gimmick because it's getting old. But I won't complain too much. Big E is still looking like he's being doing steroids since he was 8 years old! man, that guy is jacked up. 6/10
Main Event: Daniel Bryan v.s John Cena (c) for the WWE Title (Special guest referee is Triple H)
This was a good match, it went on a little too long especially for a John Cena match. The finish came when Daniel Bryan hit John Cena with his "running knee attack" (are they really going to call it that! that's a horrible name for a finishing move) and made the pin. after the match, Randy Orton came out and teased cashing in his money in the bank contract, when all of the sudden... Triple H hits Daniel Bryan with a pedigree and Randy ran in and made the pin! Oh, what an upset for Daniel, he was only champion for a few seconds and there goes management taking it away form him.. better luck next time! 7/10
Overall, the show was really good, predictable.. but maybe that's because i'm getting to be older and a little more mature. 8/10
Match of the Night: Cm Punk v.s Brock Lesnar
Worst match: Alberto Del Rio v.s Christian
Highlight of the night: Daniel Bryan's running knee attack (Seriously, change the name!)
Monday, October 21, 2013
Character I-phone Apps Description
Twilight vision: An app that allows Anton to harness the powers of the Twilight and allows him to see through it, without draining his life-force or energy.
Black market arms: This app allows Anton to contact the Russian Mafia's black market so that he can gain access to their equipment while he's too far away from the heart of Russia.
Urban Legend Wiki: This will help Anton tell the difference between fact and fiction when confronting Werewolves, Vampires, and even Witches!
Blueprints for I-phone: This lets Anton access the blue prints of any Museum, Bank, Hotel, or Warehouse in Russia. This will help him find out where the Security guards, Video surveillance cameras, and Security systems are stationed.
White Guard: This app allows Anton to access all of White's Guards albums, Songs, and Live concerts.
Work Email: Pretty Self-Explanatory, this app allows the user to access their Work emails or to access the emails on their Gmail with key-words like "work, job, business Etc."
I-counter: Allows the user to see how much of the Twilight has been channeled through the person.
Other Database: This allows Anton to see which others are listed through the night or day watch and allows him to see what alignment his fellow others are across the globe.
Vampirc Records: This allows Anton to see which vampire are licensed and which ones aren't so he can more effectively do his job.
GPS: Self-Explanitory, this app allows the use to have a map of Russia and allows him to find directions to public-access buildings, memorials, and even hotels.
Black market arms: This app allows Anton to contact the Russian Mafia's black market so that he can gain access to their equipment while he's too far away from the heart of Russia.
Urban Legend Wiki: This will help Anton tell the difference between fact and fiction when confronting Werewolves, Vampires, and even Witches!
Blueprints for I-phone: This lets Anton access the blue prints of any Museum, Bank, Hotel, or Warehouse in Russia. This will help him find out where the Security guards, Video surveillance cameras, and Security systems are stationed.
White Guard: This app allows Anton to access all of White's Guards albums, Songs, and Live concerts.
Work Email: Pretty Self-Explanatory, this app allows the user to access their Work emails or to access the emails on their Gmail with key-words like "work, job, business Etc."
I-counter: Allows the user to see how much of the Twilight has been channeled through the person.
Other Database: This allows Anton to see which others are listed through the night or day watch and allows him to see what alignment his fellow others are across the globe.
Vampirc Records: This allows Anton to see which vampire are licensed and which ones aren't so he can more effectively do his job.
GPS: Self-Explanitory, this app allows the use to have a map of Russia and allows him to find directions to public-access buildings, memorials, and even hotels.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
quick write: would you save a cat? or a picture worth millions?
My Robot Slave
What would my robot servant be like?
My robot slave would have a 40" plasma screen T.V attached to the face of it. On this face, the robot would have a wireless hookup connected to Youtube, Daily-motion, and The Pirate Bay. This is so I can watch as much wrestling as possible when i'm bored. The robot would also Have X-ray vision coming out of it's wireless antenna, so I could spy on my neighbors :3 . My robot would also be able to carry over 4 tons and be able to fly so that he could take me for rides all over the world. My robot would also have no A.I capacity because I'm afraid it might become sentient and take over the world. The robot would be voice-operated by me and only me.
My robot slave would have a 40" plasma screen T.V attached to the face of it. On this face, the robot would have a wireless hookup connected to Youtube, Daily-motion, and The Pirate Bay. This is so I can watch as much wrestling as possible when i'm bored. The robot would also Have X-ray vision coming out of it's wireless antenna, so I could spy on my neighbors :3 . My robot would also be able to carry over 4 tons and be able to fly so that he could take me for rides all over the world. My robot would also have no A.I capacity because I'm afraid it might become sentient and take over the world. The robot would be voice-operated by me and only me.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
6 Word Memoir De-Brief:
What did I learn about storytelling?
I learned that you don't need dialogue, Scripts, or words to tell a vivid, in-depth, compelling story. I learned that writing a story doesn't have to come with large masses of confusing, boring words; but short and to-the-point phrases, not long paragraphs that drag on for 10-15 minutes, just simple phrases. I used to see writing as a large novel, a dictionary jam-packed full of words, or an entire column of the New-York Times. Granted, that is still considered writing or storytelling in one form or another, but I've learned to respect and appreciate the little things; such as the dialogue in a comic strip or the headlines on a newspaper a whole lot more. The fact of the matter is that they all tell a story, some may be "more intelligent" than others, but overall they all still have something to talk about or share.
Where did I show my knowledge about using storytelling skills?
I showed my knowledge when I decided that my memoir entitled "Friends come and go, like Herpes" should have an "older look" to it than my picture entitled "Dumped dog in freezing, cold, lake." I showed my knowledge every time I decided that a picture needed a different color, or shade, or overall feel. I took the picture "Long-distance relationships are really satisfying" eight or nine times because I didn't like where I had to place the words. When I first tried writing that memoir, I wanted to incorporate symbols, rather than ordinary words but I think words got across my point faster and more effectively.
What did I learn as a reader, storyteller, thinker?
I learned that it's okay to express my opinions, thoughts, beliefs, and ideas in a shorter, simpler way. Apparently people are okay with me using symbols and emoticons to express myself (hopefully, they take it just as serious as they would regular dialogue in a story.) As a reader, I learned to look at short pieces of work (like the words used in a peanuts cartoon.) as a viable way of relaying information or trying to connect to the viewer or demographic. I learned to appreciate the little things that authors, screen writers, poets, and critics do to keep the plot flowing in a story or message. Finally, I learned that a symbol like "<3" or "(-:" is just as effective (in the right context) as using the written word to get a point or story moving in the right direction.
I learned that you don't need dialogue, Scripts, or words to tell a vivid, in-depth, compelling story. I learned that writing a story doesn't have to come with large masses of confusing, boring words; but short and to-the-point phrases, not long paragraphs that drag on for 10-15 minutes, just simple phrases. I used to see writing as a large novel, a dictionary jam-packed full of words, or an entire column of the New-York Times. Granted, that is still considered writing or storytelling in one form or another, but I've learned to respect and appreciate the little things; such as the dialogue in a comic strip or the headlines on a newspaper a whole lot more. The fact of the matter is that they all tell a story, some may be "more intelligent" than others, but overall they all still have something to talk about or share.
Where did I show my knowledge about using storytelling skills?
I showed my knowledge when I decided that my memoir entitled "Friends come and go, like Herpes" should have an "older look" to it than my picture entitled "Dumped dog in freezing, cold, lake." I showed my knowledge every time I decided that a picture needed a different color, or shade, or overall feel. I took the picture "Long-distance relationships are really satisfying" eight or nine times because I didn't like where I had to place the words. When I first tried writing that memoir, I wanted to incorporate symbols, rather than ordinary words but I think words got across my point faster and more effectively.
What did I learn as a reader, storyteller, thinker?
I learned that it's okay to express my opinions, thoughts, beliefs, and ideas in a shorter, simpler way. Apparently people are okay with me using symbols and emoticons to express myself (hopefully, they take it just as serious as they would regular dialogue in a story.) As a reader, I learned to look at short pieces of work (like the words used in a peanuts cartoon.) as a viable way of relaying information or trying to connect to the viewer or demographic. I learned to appreciate the little things that authors, screen writers, poets, and critics do to keep the plot flowing in a story or message. Finally, I learned that a symbol like "<3" or "(-:" is just as effective (in the right context) as using the written word to get a point or story moving in the right direction.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
My Top 20 favorite wrestlers
20: Fire Ant
Born: Unknown
Weight: 172 lbs
Promotion: Chikara
Finishing moves: Beach Break (Belly-to-Belly Piledriver) and Burning hammer (inverted death valley driver)
19: Kurt Angle
Born: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanian
Weight: 235 lbs
Promotion: TNA
Finishing moves: Angle slam and the Ankle lock
18: Mr. Anderson
Born: Greenbay, Wisconsin
Weight 243 lbs
Promotion: TNA
Finishing moves: Green bay plunge and the Mic check
17: Shawn Michaels
Born: Chandler Arizona
Weight: 225 lbs
Promotion: WWE Legend (retired)
Finishing moves: Sweet chin music, Figure Four Leg-lock
16: Terry Funk
Born: Hammond Indiana
Weight: 247 lbs
Promotions: WWE, WCW, ECW, WWF, Independent, Japan Pro
Finishing Moves: Spinning toe hold, Texas Pildriver, Sleeper hold
15: Batista
Born: Washington D.C
Weight: 290 lbs
Past Promotions: WWE, Ohio Valley Wrestling
Finishing Moves: Batista Bomb, Spinebuster, Spear
Born: Chandler Arizona
Weight: 225 lbs
Promotion: WWE Legend (retired)
Finishing moves: Sweet chin music, Figure Four Leg-lock
16: Terry Funk
Born: Hammond Indiana
Weight: 247 lbs
Promotions: WWE, WCW, ECW, WWF, Independent, Japan Pro
Finishing Moves: Spinning toe hold, Texas Pildriver, Sleeper hold
15: Batista
Born: Washington D.C
Weight: 290 lbs
Past Promotions: WWE, Ohio Valley Wrestling
Finishing Moves: Batista Bomb, Spinebuster, Spear
14: Bret Hart
Born: Calgary, Alberta
Weight: 234 lbs
Past Promotions: WWE Legend, WCW, New Japan pro-wrestling
Finishing Moves: Sharpshooter, Piledriver
13: Kane
Born: Torrejon de Ardoz, Madrid, Spain
Weight: 323 lbs
Promotion: WWE
Finishing Moves: Chokeslam, Tombstone Piledriver
12: Brock Lesnar
Born: Webster, South Dakota
Weight: 286 lbs
Promotion: WWE
Finishing Moves: F-5 and the Kimaura lock
11: Ric Flair
Born: Memphis, Tennessee
Weight: 243 lbs
Promotion: WWE Legend (retired)
Finishing move: Figure four leg-lock
10: Edge
Born: Ontario, Canada
Weight 241
Promotion: WWE Legend (retired)
Finishing Move: Spear, Edgecution
9: Jeff Hardy
Born: North Carolina
Weight: 210 lbs
Promotion: TNA
Finishing moves: Twist of fate, Swanton Bomb, Whisper in the wind
8: Chris Jericho
Born: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Weight: 226 lbs
Promotion: WWE
Finishing moves: Walls of Jericho, Codebreaker
7: Chris Benoit
Born: Montreal, Quebec
Weight: 220 lbs
Promotions: WCW, ECW, WWE
Finishing Moves: Diving headbutt. Crippler crossface
6: Cm Punk
Born: Chicago Illinois
Weight: 218 lbs
Promotion: WWE (Formerly ECW)
Finishing Moves: Go To Sleep (GTS) and the Anaconda Vise
5: Mick Foley
Born: Bloomington Indiana
Weight: 287 lbs
Promotions: WWE Legend, ECW, WCW
Finishing Moves: Mandible Claw, Double arm DDT
4: Undertaker
Born: From Parts Unknown
Weight: 299 lbs
Promotion: WWE
Finishing Moves: Tombstone Piledriver, Hell's Gate, Old School, Choke slam, The Last ride
3: Steve Austin
Born: San Antonio Texas
Weight: 230 lbs
Promotions: WWE, ECW, WCW
Finisher Moves: Stone Cold Stunner
2: Sting
Born: California
Weight: 250
Promotions: TNA, (Formerly WCW)
Finisher Moves: Inverted DDT, Scorpion Sting
1: Rob Van Dam
Born: California
Weight: 237
Promotions: WWE (formerly ECW and TNA)
Finishing Move: Five-Star Frog Splash
Born: Calgary, Alberta
Weight: 234 lbs
Past Promotions: WWE Legend, WCW, New Japan pro-wrestling
Finishing Moves: Sharpshooter, Piledriver
13: Kane
Born: Torrejon de Ardoz, Madrid, Spain
Weight: 323 lbs
Promotion: WWE
Finishing Moves: Chokeslam, Tombstone Piledriver
12: Brock Lesnar
Born: Webster, South Dakota
Weight: 286 lbs
Promotion: WWE
Finishing Moves: F-5 and the Kimaura lock
11: Ric Flair
Born: Memphis, Tennessee
Weight: 243 lbs
Promotion: WWE Legend (retired)
Finishing move: Figure four leg-lock
10: Edge
Born: Ontario, Canada
Weight 241
Promotion: WWE Legend (retired)
Finishing Move: Spear, Edgecution
9: Jeff Hardy
Born: North Carolina
Weight: 210 lbs
Promotion: TNA
Finishing moves: Twist of fate, Swanton Bomb, Whisper in the wind
8: Chris Jericho
Born: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Weight: 226 lbs
Promotion: WWE
Finishing moves: Walls of Jericho, Codebreaker
7: Chris Benoit
Born: Montreal, Quebec
Weight: 220 lbs
Promotions: WCW, ECW, WWE
Finishing Moves: Diving headbutt. Crippler crossface
6: Cm Punk
Born: Chicago Illinois
Weight: 218 lbs
Promotion: WWE (Formerly ECW)
Finishing Moves: Go To Sleep (GTS) and the Anaconda Vise
5: Mick Foley
Born: Bloomington Indiana
Weight: 287 lbs
Promotions: WWE Legend, ECW, WCW
Finishing Moves: Mandible Claw, Double arm DDT
4: Undertaker
Born: From Parts Unknown
Weight: 299 lbs
Promotion: WWE
Finishing Moves: Tombstone Piledriver, Hell's Gate, Old School, Choke slam, The Last ride
3: Steve Austin
Born: San Antonio Texas
Weight: 230 lbs
Promotions: WWE, ECW, WCW
Finisher Moves: Stone Cold Stunner
2: Sting
Born: California
Weight: 250
Promotions: TNA, (Formerly WCW)
Finisher Moves: Inverted DDT, Scorpion Sting
1: Rob Van Dam
Born: California
Weight: 237
Promotions: WWE (formerly ECW and TNA)
Finishing Move: Five-Star Frog Splash
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Thursday, September 12, 2013
My Reading Survey
Creative Writing Piece By: Brendan Bretecher
As a
reader, I have grown more spiritually than anything else. I don’t read for
escapism, don’t
read to
further my skills or abilities, I read to further my spiritualtiy and my perspective on life. I
read to
open my eyes to new view points, ideas, and even different theologies. I used
to read
pleasure, but now I read so that I can find a deeper, more meaningful way to
express my
and my thoughts. When I search for a book, I often look into the author’s
trying to
find out where the author is coming from when he/she writes the book (something
used to do.) I often search to see what the author’s ideology or theology is so
their perspective better than if I was an outsider looking in. I rather enjoy
books about someone who has an experience that was life-changing for them, an
that changed the way they looked at the world and how we live in society today.
enjoy fiction, but I would much rather read about someone’s viewpoints than
read about
I have been reading books on how to persuade people, books like Split-Second Persuasion have really opened my eyes to how
certain people use words or actions to manipulate everyday people that we see.
The book was very powerful and made me appreciate all the little things that
people do in order to get what they want. I have also been reading more of my
bible. I used to read it because I liked being pretentious, reading a “morally
correct” book, and I also like reading it because I like being the
counter-culture child, being the person who is opposite to everyone else.
Nowadays, I read the Bible when I’m looking for a spiritual awakening and when
I’m looking for guidance or morals that I can follow.
I have a
Blackberry curve with 'questionable' access. I use the word questionable
because I’m not actually too sure how much it's going to cost me to keep using
the internet access on my phone. I do not have a device that I could bring to
class on a daily basis. I also do not have the money to purchase one for this
semester. I guess I’ll just have to stick to good ol' pen and paper!
I don't
have an e-reader, if I have to read something that requires internet access,
I’ll use Adobe reader on my computer. I do in fact have a twitter account, I
really only use it to follow my favorite wrestlers, and that's pretty much it.
I did have a blog a long time ago. I didn't really post anything of substance
(usually random comic strips or video game-related posts) so I stopped using
I think it would be beneficial and important for the people in this class to start using technology in the class room. This is important because in post-secondary, you have to and can use any resources that you have at your disposal to help further you in your studies and knowledge. I think overall technology is important and should be integrated into the way we learn because its presence is becoming known everywhere, especially in our society and culture.
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